How Kbee optimizes your content for SEOΒ 

Last updated by sandeep 2 years ago
Kbee automatically renders your content in a way that is optimized for search engines. You don’t need to do anything special to get these benefits. If you would like to learn more about how this works, read on!Β 
Note: SEO Optimization is only performed on Google Docs. Other content is not optimized. Β 

Keywords and Meta TagsΒ 

Kbee automatically sets the right meta tags for the modern web, like viewport and content type. The title tag is automatically set from the title of your article.Β 
Keywords are automatically pulled from the headers on the document. For example, you can see the keywords for ourΒ getting started guide Β here:
Β Image 1 Β 
Currently, Kbee does not set the meta description tag. PleaseΒ upvote the feature on our roadmap Β if this is something you want!Β 
Modern search engines largely ignore these tags and instead focus on the actual content on the page, and this is where Kbee spends the most time optimizing your content.Β 

Lighthouse ScoreΒ 

One of the most important parts of modern SEO optimization is having highΒ lighthouse scores .Β Β 
Kbee creates static content that is cached in a world-wide CDN for lightning fast access. Here is the lighthouse score for our getting started guide:Β 
Image 2 Β 

URL SlugsΒ 

Kbee puts the title of the article into the URL Slug to show up in the search results. For example, this page looks something like this:
Β Image 3 Β 

sitemap.xml and robots.txtΒ 

Kbee automatically generates a sitemap.xml and robots.txt that is search engine friendly.Β 
You can upload the sitemap into Google Search Console to have Google index your content. You can access your sitemap by going to your external Kbee in your browser and putting in sitemap.xml as the path.Β 
Image 4 Β 
Refreshed On: Feb 12, 2025 02:23:34 UTC+00:00