Code Blocks and Github Gists 

Last updated by sandeep 3 years ago
Kbee lets you create code blocks or use Github Gists to let your users copy and paste formatted code from your guides and articles. 
A Gist looks like this: 
...waiting for Gist...
Kbee also supports the Code Blocks Plugin  you can download from the Docs Marketplace: 

var x = 0;
var y = 1;
var z;
0] = 0;
1] = 1;
for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++) {
 alert(x + y);
 fib[i] = x + y;
 x = y;
 z = y;


Github Gist 

Github Gists are the recommended way to share public code. To add a Gist to your article, simply paste in the link to the Gist. Kbee will automatically detect and render the Gist. 
Note: Make sure the link turns blue in Google Docs to ensure that it has been detected as a link  

Code Blocks Plugin 

Kbee supports the Code Blocks Plugin  you can download from the Docs Marketplace. This is our recommended way to format code in your articles, as you can control the color scheme and it looks good in Kbee and in Google Docs. 
Follow the instructions to use the plugin and Kbee will automatically work!  
Refreshed On: Feb 12, 2025 00:18:07 UTC+00:00